Now available in time for the Jubilee Year of Mercy
"God's Healing Mercy: Finding Your Path to Forgiveness, Peace and Joy"
Foreword & Imprimatur by Bishop Kevin W. Vann, Diocese of Orange, CA


Dr. Scott Hahn
"God’s Healing Mercy is a must-read for anyone who wants to encounter the living, joyful, and healing face of the Father of Mercy. By focusing on Divine Mercy in Scripture as well as the lives of the saints, you'll come to a deeper understanding of God’s love for you and the healing His mercy is ready to provide.”

Sophia Institute Press has made their flier for this book available for download HERE.
Announcements for Kathleen's newest book can be found on the "Catholic News Live", "Catholic Mom" and "Archdiocese of Philadelphia" web sites.
Click the image below for further information and to order a book.