Praying for Priests, for Reparation and for Healing - Rosary pamphlet download

The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek, from The Story of Abraham


Melchizedek is the first priest mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, "... Melchizedek, who was king of Salem and also a priest of the Most High God." — Genesis 14:18.

Jesus is referred to as "a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek" in Psalm 110.

Jesus says to Peter, "And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it." — Mathew 16:18.

Not even death will overcome the Church, but that doesn't mean the Church will always be healthy.

Today's priests are the descendancy of this divine order. While they are not perfect, priests serve us, Jesus' disciples, Jesus' Church. Praying for priests is praying for the Body of Christ and we are the Body of Christ. We are Church.

That's why it's so important to pray for our priests worldwide.

Saint Peter wasn't perfect, neither were any of the saints, yet they are saints. Priests aren't perfect, but they do strive to be saintly - it's part of their training at the seminary.

Let us now pray for our priests and those people affected by any scandals with the new ROSARY OF REPARATION AND HEALING from the Foundation of Prayer for Priests.

This downloadable Rosary pamphlet contains The Sorrowful Mysteries as 'A Prayerful Response to Clergy Scandals'. You'll find meditations, reflections and petitions for each decade to help focus our prayers on healing and reparation.

You can download and print this three-fold ROSARY OF REPARATION AND HEALING pamphlet by clicking the image below.


Click to download and print.


Kathleen Beckman and The Foundation of Prayer for Priests would like to urge our readers to share this Blog along with the ROSARY OF REPARATION AND HEALING pamphlet. Let's turn this into a "Campaign of Prayer for Reparation and Healing".

Contact your family, friends, colleagues, fellow Christians and Christian wannabees. Send emails, post on Facebook, share on Twitter, write a Blog, upload a video to YouTube.

There are billions of Christians worldwide - how many can we reach?

Also, we can enter into Family Prayer times, and form Prayer Groups to meet for 'Adoration Thursdays for Priests'. We can even 'Spiritually Adopt a Priest' and pray with them and for them.

Please, also consider becoming a member of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests and you'll receive Newsletters from The Foundation of Prayer for Priests as they are released. The Newsletters keep members informed with ongoing and upcoming events, announcements and additions to the Foundation of Prayer for Priests website.

Thank you all for your prayers, participation and sharing.